Tag: Clarice Cliff Antiques
Clarice Cliff 1899-1972 Clarice Cliff was born on 20 January 1899 in Meir Street, Tunstall. Tunstall is the most northerly of the six Potteries towns of Staffordshire, in the English …
The Life of Clarice Cliff Part 1 When Clarice Cliff became the Art Director of Newport Pottery in 1930, she was the first woman to reach such a high …
No one could have predicted Clarice Cliff’s rise to become Art Director of Newport Pottery. Her fellow-workers recall that while Clarice was friendly, rather than socializing she preferred wandering …
The Life of Clarice Cliff Part 3 In spring 1927 Clarice Cliff left Gladys producing these trial pieces while she was sent to the prestigious Royal College of Art, …