Wedgwood China Marks

Wedgwood China Patterns

Wedgwood China Marks

Wedgwood Pottery Marks

Wedgwood Pottery

Josiah Wedgwood and Sons Ltd. Burslem c1759, Etruria c1769.

1 and 2. Impressed marks c 1759 – 1769.

3. Standard impressed mark c1759 onwards. England added from 1891. Made in England denotes 20th century.

4. Impressed on ornamental wares c1768 – 1780 Wedgwood and Bentley.

5. Impressed or in relief on garnitures, vases c1768 -1780

6 and 7. Misleading marks. Wedgwood and Co.Ltd. c1860 onwards and John Wedge Wood of Burslem c 1845 – 1860.

Wedgwood Reproductions

It is interesting that continental copies provide one of the greatest traps for unsuspecting buyers. Creamware was copied by potteries in France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Italy and Sweden, many of whom acknowledged their debt to Wedgwood with the words anglaise or inglese to describe the body and/or the glaze.

Even Russian potters made replacement creamware in the nineteenth century for original wares supplied to Catherine of Russia in 1770. Contemporary facsimiles of jasperware cameo plaques were made by John Voyez, mainly in black basaltes, marked indistinctly WADGWOJD which at first glance can be mistaken for Wedgwood. Other similar names and marks used on similar wares include Tunstalls Wedgwood and Co. and other Staffordshire nineteenth century potteries, who marked their wares Wedgewood and Co. Vedgwood, Wedgwood Ware and Queensware.

Principle Periods Of Manufacture

Agate and tortoiseshell ware with Thomas Whieldon form c1754. Green glaze ware from c1759. Cauliflower ware with Thomas Whieldon c1759. With William Greatbach at Burslem, in partnership with William Bentley from c1760. Rosso antico red stoneware from c1760. Creamware from c1761. Transfer printed creamware with Sadler and Green from c1764. Balck basaltes from c1765. Marbled and Etruscan were at Etruria from c1769. Caneware from c1770. Jasper ware from c1774. Improved pearlware from c1776. Bamboo ware from c1790. Bone china from c1812 to 1822 and from 1878 onwards. Polished red stoneware from c1820.