Worcester Porcelain Marks
1751 – present day. First period marks to 1793 only given below.
1 – 4. Crescent marks, painted or printed in underglaze blue c1755 – 1790
5. Fretted square painted in underglaze blue c1755 – 1770.
6 – 9. Letter “W” painted or printed in underglaze blue ….. same period as 5
10 – 11. Pseudo – Chinese marks painted in underglaze blue c1753 – 1770.
12 – 14. Meissen crossed swords usually on wares in Meissen style, painted in underglaze blue c1760 – 1770
15 – 17. Letters “RH” for engraver Robert Hancock and anchor rebus of Richard Holdship found on pieces printed in overglaze enamel.
18. Crescent painted in blue c1783 – 1788, alone or with “Flight”.